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Relax Kids is a programme to help children, young people and families recognise and understand their own emotions and responses. We teach techniques to manage stress, anxiety and big emotions that are usable every single day.
Relax Kids has been around for over 20 years. We have coaches in 30 countries meaning the benefits of the RK magic are being seen across the globe !
What does a Relax Kids session look like ?
RK sessions are based on 7-steps; Move, Play, Stretch, Feel, Breath, Believe and Relax.
That’s a lot to fit into an hour believe me!
We teach techniques which are usable everyday to manage stress, anxiety and big feelings.
We begin by teaching the children about their brain and the link between this and their body.
This is done in a fun and interactive way using our characters; the meerkat, the elephant and the owl to represent the key areas of our brain. Sessions are adapted for the age and needs of the group accordingly, to ensure we are accessible to everyone.
Please see The Benefits of Relax Kids so see how each step works to engage and calm the mind and body.
As well as our children’s group sessions within the community, we run bespoke sessions in your schools, nurseries, community and sports groups for adults as well as children.